domingo, 24 de mayo de 2009

South American Routes

In South America, the main form of land transportation is the bus; this is cheap and efficient.
The South American roads links all countries and, practically, you can choose any route.

These are some of the most important routes which were taken from blogs and forums of backpackers.

Austral Route:
The tracing in the map is residential.

Peru: Lima - Ica (Huacachica, Nazca) - Tacna - Cusco - Arequipa - Ayacucho

Chile: Arica - La Serena - Valparaíso - Santiago - Temuco - Villarica - Pucón - Puerto Natales - Punta Arenas - Puerto Varas - Puerto Montt - Castro - Chiloe - Ancund - Osorno.

Argentina: Bariloche - Rio Galleos - Comodoro Rivadavia - El Calefate - El Chaltén - Ushuaia - Mar de Plata - Buenos Aires - Puerto Iguazú - Resistencia - Salta - Jujuy.

Uruguay: Colonia - Montevideo - Punta del Este - Chuy.

Brazil: Porto Alegre - Foz de Iguazu

Paraguay: Uyumi - Potosí - Santacruz - Cochabamba - Oruro - La Paz - Copacabana

Around Soth America:
This route is long

Nothern Soth America
(Major roads)

2 comentarios:

  1. This is interesting topic because I ever have wanted to travel this way. The presentation was spontaneous and fresh.

    Well done!!!

  2. Here a can find differents route what I like
